May 16th

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The Beach Boys' eleventh album, Pet Sounds, is released on this day in 1966. This is such an easy target for silly comments that I'm not even going to bother.

I will point out, though, that pop singer Janet Jackson--sister of that ultra-famous other Jackson (I refer, of course, to Jermaine. Who did you think I was talking about?) was born on the very same date as Pet Sounds' release, 5/16/66. Notice that if you take 5 (May is the fifth month, are you paying attention?) and add it to the "1" of 16, you get six, so then the date becomes the number 6666 (with a slash in the middle). Coincidence? YOU decide!

Speaking of events that changed the history of music forever (was I?), Wladziu Valentino Liberace born on this date in 1919. He, of course, grew up to become that famous schmaltzy piano virtuoso, and snappy-sequin-dresser-2nd-only-to-Elvis, known to everyone as Wladziu. Did you know he was born in West Allis, Wisconsin? Another easy target for silly comments, so forget it, not in the mood.